How to increase the member of the sosa - rules of application, contraindications

How can you increase the size of the penis in men with the help of baking soda – we're going to discuss?

For men, the size of his dignity as a man is relevant to the topic of always.

how to increase the member of the soda

Even, despite the fact that the official health statistics shows that the majority of men the size of the penis up to the standards, the greater part of the representatives of a strong half of the still worry about this issue.

In reality, the deviation is considered to be the length of the penis in an excited state to less than 9 centimeters. And such a size, as a general rule, the men who have the pathology of the genital organs.

A small penis in itself is a pathology. Doctors recognize that due to this condition men often have problems with the conception of the child. In addition, if in comparison with other proportions of the body of the sexual organ, men actually are considered to be small, it is likely that the cause delays in the development and growth of the organs of the sexual system.

This kind of problem need to solve, otherwise, in addition to the small penis in the man, will be still many reproductive problems. In such situations, men do not deal with penis enhancement, pass comprehensive of a treatment that, in the first place, it was solution to infertility.

As you can enlarge the penis?

Today there is a large amount of ways to increase the penis size. Some men prefer surgery, that in a little time you can be satisfied with the result. Many use for these purposes a vacuum pump or other accessories, which gradually increase a member in length.

The disadvantage of these tools is that the results may not be less than six months, and the length will be greater than only 2-3 centimeters. When you perform a therapy, or use special devices for the penis you need every day.

Some men resort to popular methods. These methods are less hazardous and traumatic, as basically the therapy includes the application of the natural components or normal tools that we use daily.

One of those ways of sodium bicarbonate. Is a security tool, since it is a simple and known composition. In addition, it is used in food, as well as for the solution of different diseases.

How to increase the member of the soda at home?

Soda has a large amount of healthy properties, and therefore actively used in the preparation of food, cleaning, in the treatment of some diseases.

  • For example, women often use sodium bicarbonate as a means of dairy.
  • However, men more interested in the other question.

As such, and as noted by the specialists, the increase of penis soda – the safest way and easiest way to improve penis sizes. In addition, this method is available for absolutely everyone to a representative of a medium strong. Today there are several methods, in which the sodium bicarbonate will help to achieve the result:


  1. For the preparation of procedures it is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of powder in a glass of warm water.
  2. Depending on the size of the sink or lavatory, which is used for the procedure, the volume of the solution can be increased, the main thing is to comply with the aspect ratio.
  3. The resulting solution is poured into the tray, and then there falls the penis.
sodium bicarbonate to increase the penis

Keep the sexual organ in the soda solution you need to for fifteen minutes. It is recommended to use the hot tub about an hour prior to the sexual relationship. Many men observed after a procedure of increasing the firmness of the penis, as well as an increase in size.

The scrub

This method is very effective, but be careful.

  1. The procedure consists in the fact that it is necessary to humidify the member with warm water and then apply on the surface a little bit of dust.
  2. After this, the soda is rubbed on the skin. This should be done with much care, since the particles of baking soda can easily damage the delicate skin of the penis, leaving her wounds and scratches, which would bring the pain and burning.

Works scrub due to the strong tide of blood, which is caused by rubbing soda. In consequence, literally, in a matter of minutes, the man may notice the onset of the erection and increase penis size.

This method may not be suitable for everyone, because some men have pointed out the same irritation in the skin of the penis.

The scrub of soda and honey

This is another simple method.

  1. Just mix the powder and the honey in the same quantities.
  2. Then, the resulting mixture distributed uniformly in the sexual organ, massaging.
  3. Hereinafter, it is recommended to leave the healing of the composition on the skin of the penis for a period of time, it has been infiltrated.

After this sexual organ is washed well with warm water.

Many men observe that the daily use of the procedure of the sexual organ actually increases in size.

In addition, honey contains a variety of substances, and also has a reinforcing and disinfection effect, because if there is some disease in the skin or in the interior of the tissues, the honey will help to destroy the infection.


This method is quite simple.

  1. To begin, we must prepare a solution of water and baking soda.
  2. The proportion we take the same, as for the trays: a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and a glass of warm water.
  3. Then, in the way in which the solution is well-moistened gauze dressing or bandage and applied it to the gender and to the authority.

It is not recommended to perform the procedure, when the penis is in a state of arousal. Or in this case, you must apply a bandage on the area of the head.

The skin in this part of the penis is too tender, it is very easy to damage even the solution of soda. This factor must be taken into account in the implementation of other procedures with the soda. Keep lotion in the sexual organ, no more than twenty minutes.

as enlarge the penis

The soda and the vegetable oil

There are other, more of a simple recipe. It is necessary to grease a member of vegetable oil in its entire length, and then apply a little bit of soda. After this powder with care, a massage toning enters in the surface of the skin. Important to do so with great care not to damage the mucous membranes of the penis.

  1. Also some men are recommended as a complement to other methods of drinking a soda with milk.
  2. This method will help to strengthen the body in general, protect against a variety of infections and illnesses, as well as support the growth of the penis.

Sodium bicarbonate increases the flow of blood to the tissues of the penis, thanks to the erectile tissues of the penis more strong fill with blood, and a member, respectively, further increase of size during erection. However, in most cases, the soda to the member of the it gives only a temporary effect.

The use of these methods can be directly before the sexual act. In some cases, the men point out that, with the time, thanks to the regular procedures of a member becomes somewhat larger in size.

The contraindications for the use of the soda

In sosa, do not have any contraindications for its use, without more, for outdoor use. This is why it is possible without first consulting a urologist for advice.

  1. It is necessary to remember that the skin of the penis, and especially the area of the head of the autumn soft and fine, and that is why there is a great probability of causing damage, even fine details of crystals in the soda.
  2. During one of the procedures, you must first wash your hands with water and soap, to destroy all the pathogenic microflora.

Special attention should be paid to the expiration date of the soda. It is not recommended to increase the dose, or use compresses, baths or scrubbing too much time, this can easily irritation in the skin.

There is not that tell that, immediately after several procedures with soda will be swept result, and a member of grow a few inches. Most men point out that the results begin to appear after two months of daily use of soda. In some cases, the effect can be visible only after four months of regular practice of the shape data.


The only contraindication to the use of soda is the intolerance individual.

If the man is allergic to the soda, you will have to find another method.

Some of the representatives strong half of a very sensitive skin, which does not allow the use of food sodium.

As a general rule, the men produces a strong irritation in the groin area, and sometimes it even appear on the pain and burning. If such symptoms should stop the treatment immediately.

Before you begin the increase penis you should think about, if it is necessary. Sometimes men begin to worry about the size of your penis, but in reality do not experience difficulties in your sexual life.

How to check the sensitivity of the skin to the meets?

For the man has not arisen unpleasant irritation in the skin of the penis, you should check how sensitive is the skin to this component.

It is necessary to prepare a little paste of bicarbonate of soda. This makes it very easy, it is necessary to take a pinch of baking soda and add a couple of drops of water. Then, a thick paste, apply on a small area of the skin of the penis. If after twenty minutes at the place of use of the soda are not redness, rashes, scratching or burning sensation, you can use any recipe, with a content of sodium.

The combination of soda with other means of

Sometimes, to mitigate the action of the soda is used to obtain the substance.

  1. For example, many men prefer different creams. This may be common for the cream to fat-based or special tools to increase the penis.
  2. A little bit of cream is mixed with a small amount of baking soda, then rub it gently on the skin of the penis. The presence of cream in the mix makes the impact of respect and care.

The most important thing here is to find a cream that does not cause allergies and irritation.

Often, the soda is applied in the interior with the addition of other components. For example, you can add a pinch of baking soda in the honey with dry fruits. This tool not only will persist the result of other procedures, but have a positive impact on sexual potency. Yes, and, in general, the body becomes more resistant to external influences, they appear with more force and energy.

You can use the baths, compresses and scrubs with soda, as an additional means of medical therapy for erectile dysfunction, or a temporary violation of the erection, the stress, excess of work or for other issues that have no relationship to the sexual system.